Writing the Broomstick
Writing the Broomstick
{EP. 8} Marketing Your Book 101 with Publisher/Author/Coach Alexa Bigwarfe
Have you decided to self-publish your novel, or are you set on going after a traditional publisher? Guess what: It doesn’t matter which publishing route you take because no matter what, you’re going to have to self-promote your little heart out, my dears.
But don’t take our word for it! In today’s episode, we’re interviewing Alexa Bigwarfe, the founder and CEO of Write, Publish, Sell—not to mention Katrina’s publisher! Alexa’s company offers authors writing and publishing solutions from marketing to launching to printing to cover design and TONS more. Alexa floors us with her solid advice on how we need to market ourselves (and not just on social media) in order to find our readers and build our audience. She’s been in the business for a long time, so writers, take notes!
Alexa has some solid marketing advice for authors out there, and here’s just a short highlight reel:
- If you haven’t started marketing your book by now, for the love of god, START!
- Traditional publishers don’t automatically have the budget to promote your book
- Witchy books are in!
- Don’t let your friend design your cover, unless said friend is, in fact, a book cover designer.
- No matter how hard you market your book, it still has to be written well (duh)...
We know you’ll be as excited listening to Alexa as we were interviewing her. Writing a book is a long and arduous journey, and no matter where you are in the process, you could probably use a little dose of expert advice. And in the crazy competitive world of publishing, self-promotion is so gosh-darn-tootin'-frootin' important.
You can find Alexa’s contact details on her website (writepublishsell.com), PLUS you can also listen to her on her own podcast, the PublishHer Podcast with Alexa Bigwarfe.
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Let us know what you thought of our episode! You can reach us on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, or email writingthebroomstick@gmail.com.
Hey! Do you like Celtic folklore, YA urban fantasy, AND free stuff? Read the first three chapters of Katrina’s debut novel, “The Wise One”.
And, if you want to see what Genny’s reading lately, check out her Goodreads review page.