Writing the Broomstick
The podcast where you'll get your dose of magic and dash of writing advice all in one juicy elixir. Join a couple of authors in our ramblings about all-things fantasy, paranormal fiction, and magical realism. Our goal is to help you iron out your mystical world and open up the floor to a weird and witchy conversation. ★ Follow us @writingthebroom and get in touch: writingthebroomstick@gmail.com / writingthebroomstick.com ★ Hosts: Katrina Tortorici Anglehart (K.T. Anglehart) is a freelance editor and author of teen/YA urban fantasy "The Wise One"—the first of "The Scottish Scrolls" series. She enjoys laughing at her and Genny's shenanigans while trying desperately to maintain her composure. ★ @kt_anglehart | ktanglehart.com ★ Genevieve Methot is a freelance writer and emerging author of new adult fantasy trilogy "The Needle of Ingress" (release date TBD). She is often called out for being self-deprecating and breaking out in song during awkward moments. ★ @genny_met
Podcasting since 2021 • 23 episodes
Writing the Broomstick
Latest Episodes
{EP 23} Witches & Witchcraft 101: Getting Into the Mind of a Witch
For millennia, witches have been a source of fear, fascination, persecution, oppression, hope, and bewilderment. Tales of witches go back as far as time and appear in every culture on the planet. So, as a writer, how do you even begin to und...
Season 3
Episode 3

(EP. 22) Writing Prompts to Inspire Your Ghost Story
Ever walk into an empty room and feel like you’re being watched? Ever feel the hairs on the back of your neck stand on end for no apparent reason? Maybe you’ve encountered a real-live ghost. In this week’s spoooooooky episode, we’re talking ...
Season 3
Episode 2

(EP. 21} The History and Cultural Origin of Halloween (or Samhain)
Halloween….the spookiest time of year. When the veil that separates the living and the dead gets dangerously thin. Welcome back, writers and weavers to season three of Writing the Broomstick!No matter where you live in...
Season 3
Episode 1

{EP. 20} Magical Abilities You Can Give Your Fantasy Character
If you could have any magical ability in the world, what would it be? Would you fly over the rooftops of your hometown? Would you control fire and water? Would you bring your poor houseplant back to life? In today’s episode, ...
Season 2
Episode 10

{EP. 19} How to Get Creative Writing Time and Seasons in Your Fantasy Novel
Writing about time in your fantasy novel is a real see-you-next-Tuesday. I mean, all our months, weekdays, and seasons sound so...Earthly. And if you’re wondering if your reader notices when you say “February” when describing a month of the ...
Season 2
Episode 9