Writing the Broomstick
Writing the Broomstick
{EP. 7} Impostor Syndrome for Writers & How to Manage it
What is impostor syndrome? Maybe you’ve heard this pop psychology phrase buzzing around social media lately, or maybe you’re hearing it for the first time. Put simply, impostor syndrome is the belief that you are a fraud. If you’re a writer and you have impostor syndrome, you don’t feel like you’re really a writer, no matter how much evidence there is to the contrary. We’re here to tell you that impostor syndrome is a load of codswallop!
In this episode, Katrina and Genny explore this phenomenon in an effort to demonstrate why impostor syndrome is not only a bunch of nonsense, but also why it’s a complete waste of your time and creativity.
And yet, we understand that even though you may not actually be an impostor, your fears and doubts about yourself can be managed in a constructive way that stops giving those feelings of doubt any power.
Need more proof that impostor syndrome is a whole lotta BS? What if we were to tell you that even some of the most famous and successful writers, actors, and entrepreneurs (people whom nobody on the planet would call frauds) also suffer from it?
We give some advice on how to recognize this creativity killer (whom Katrina has decided to name Burt, btw) and what to do when you notice it operating on you. We end the podcast with our own personal dealings with impostor syndrome—sorry, Burt—in hopes that you find inspiration, hope, and advice on how you too can ignore, de-escalate, and/or destroy your own Burt.
P.S. Technology had a vendetta against us this week, so we have to apologize for the iffy audio.
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Consulted Materials:
- 57 famous people reveal how to overcome impostor syndrome
- 12 successful women on impostor syndrome and self-doubt
★ ★ ★
Let us know what you thought of our episode! You can reach us on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, or email writingthebroomstick@gmail.com.
Hey! Do you like Celtic folklore, YA urban fantasy, AND free stuff? Read the first three chapters of Katrina’s debut novel, “The Wise One”.
And, if you want to see what Genny’s reading lately, check out her Goodreads review page.